Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jesus Appears to His Disciples Luk 24:36-49 --- Appearance & Comission

What is the most exciting thing to look forward to? 

Spiritually, it is peace. Reconciled relationship with God and harmony with one another. Free of fear and anxiety. Just rest and be secured in His kingdom.

Then there is the new body. Our new resurrected body as is shown by Jesus' resurrection. We will no longer be limited by time and space. We can go where we want to be in an instant. We can live forever. Yet, we can enjoy all the good foods. What else do you want?

1 Corinthians 2:9: "However, as it is written: 'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived'—the things God has prepared for those who love him."

It comes through repentance and acceptance of forgiveness by Jesus.

It is the good news that we must share. 


  • 1. The Nature of Jesus' Resurrection
    • - Physical and Complete Resurrection: Jesus' resurrection involved His spirit, soul, and a new body. This body was not limited by time or space but was tangible, as He showed by eating and allowing His disciples to touch Him.
  • 2. Peace as a Vital Emotion
    • - Emotional Stability: Jesus' greeting of peace emphasizes the importance of living without fear, depression, or excessive desire, embodying calmness, restfulness, and security.
  • 3. Open-Minded Scriptural Study
    • - Enlightenment by the Holy Spirit: Reading the Bible with an open mind allows for the Holy Spirit to provide understanding and insight.
  • 4. Purpose of Jesus’ Mission
    • - Redemptive Mission: Jesus came to earth to atone for humanity’s sins through His crucifixion and to conquer death through His resurrection, enabling spiritual rebirth and adoption as God’s children.
  • 5. Salvation through Repentance and Forgiveness
    • - Path to Salvation: Salvation is attainable through repentance and accepting the forgiveness offered by Christ.
    • Embrace repentance and Christ’s forgiveness as the means to salvation and spiritual renewal.
  • 6. Evangelistic Mission
    • - Global Proclamation: Believers are commissioned to preach the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus worldwide.
  • 7. Dependence on God’s Guidance
    • - Waiting on the Holy Spirit: Before taking action, believers are to seek and wait for God’s guidance, as the disciples waited for the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.
    • Prioritize seeking God’s direction and empowerment before undertaking tasks in His service.
  • Summary
    • These lessons from Luke 24:36-49 emphasize the tangible reality of the resurrection, the importance of inner peace, the necessity of open-minded biblical study, the core purpose of Jesus' mission, the means of salvation, the call to evangelize, and the need for divine guidance. Together, they form a comprehensive understanding of the Christian faith and its practical outworking in the life of a believer.
Gospel of Luke Table of Content

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