Sunday, May 12, 2024

Beware of the Scribes Luke 20:45-47 --- Watch out for Hypocrites

We are taught to know a person by checking whether what they do matches with what they say. Often, we only see their behavior without the opportunity of hearing what they say. Even so, we can get some understanding of their character from observing their behavior. Jesus told us to watch out for the behavior of the scribes, seeking the best, seeking glory and praises, showing off, the pretense of long prayers, and even bullying and cheating the widows. Such signs show their hypocrisy and narcissism. Let's not be fooled. 


  • Beware of hypocrisy
    • Not with outward appearances and public recognition but living a righteous life.
    • Following God is about having a genuine relationship with God and living a life that reflects his love.
    • They are to behave according to their understanding of God's Laws. But instead, they have outward behavior without inward conviction. They even cheated the widows' properties revealing their greed and evil within. They bully the weak for their benefit.
  • Leaders should serve, not be served
    • Leaders are to avoid pride and self-importance.
    • Mark 10:43-45, Jesus tells his disciples that "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all."
  • Know a person not just by his outward behavior but also his inward heart.

  • We are to be authentic and be consistence in acting out from within and not in acting to cover up our inner bad self.

  • Acting to cover up our true self is deceiving others.

  • The Chinese Philosophy promoted 内圣外王 ruling outward from inner saintliness. 内修外治 Inner character development to manage outwardly. 

  • We are to act out our Christ within as witnessing for Christ.

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