Friday, May 17, 2024

The Coming of the Son of Man Luke 21:25-28 --- Signs of His 2nd Coming

When anyone claims that he is the Christ, we can immediately know that he is the false Christ. This is because Jesus has told us that His 2nd coming will be apparent to everyone, coming in the cloud with glory and power. Jesus told us to watch for the signs --- the upheaval of stars, sun, and moon, and the natural disasters. In these times of distress and great fear, believers are told to carry on without fear, be expectant, and await the coming of the Lord. Be at peace, because God is in charge.


  • watch for the signs to know what is coming
  • there is hope in the midst of turmoil because Christ our Redeemer is coming to establish a better world
  • Be steadfast in these challenging times because of our faith and hope in Christ. because God's ultimate purpose will prevail.
  • We are to prepare for His coming.
    • deepening one’s relationship with God,
    • living in accordance with His teachings,
    • and being vigilant in prayer.
    • be busy with our normal work.
  • Gemini:
    • In Luke 21:25-28, Jesus describes signs of trouble in the world, including distress among nations and disturbances in the natural world. People will be fearful, and anxious about what is to come. However, Jesus instructs his followers to not be afraid. Instead, they are to be encouraged, because these signs indicate that their redemption is drawing near.

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