Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Widow's Offering Luke 21:1-4 --- The Sacrificial Gift

How do we measure contribution? How do we measure wealth?
We tend to see the amount given and do not see the sacrifices the giver made.
God rewards the sacrifices made.
Even so, give even if it is little.


  • Richness is not measured by how much you possess but by how much you give. That is from a human perspective.
  • From God's perspective, richness is measured by how much you are willing to give or sacrifice out of your needs. The widow gave her all whereas the rich only gave out of their extras. She would be rewarded accordingly in heaven.
  • This is like the fable of the hen and pig. Upon seeing a group of refugees, the hen suggested to give them bacon-and-egg breakfast. For the hen, it is laying an egg. For the pig, it would have to sacrifice itself.
  • Jesus gave more than the widow - He gave us His life.
  • Generosity: Giving what you can, even if it seems small.
  • Faith: Trusting in God even when facing lack.
  • Priorities: Putting God and his will first.
  • Different Kinds of Giving: Giving can take many forms - time, talent, and resources.

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