Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Lesson of the Fig Tree Luke 21:29-33 --- Know the Signs of His Coming

Change does not happen randomly. There are always early tell-tale signs. We are to be watchful of those signs. Christ had specifically and often told us about the signs of His coming again so that we would not be caught unprepared. The world may not know and be prepared because they believe not. But believers are in the know and should prepare for His coming. A big question would be, how do we prepare for His coming? What do you think?


  1. When making any decision, first consider the tell-tale signs, understand the trend and progression of changes to come, and then decide to ride on the trend and have the best outcome.
  2. Jesus uses the fig tree. Chinese i-Ching 2nd Hexagram Earth had a statement, stepping on frost and you know ice will be formed and cold winter is coming. 履霜,堅冰至。
  3. We can look forward to the complete salvation of mankind and a New Heaven and Earth - the ideal world for people to live with their God and Savior forevermore.
  4. Jesus' words are eternal and trustworthy, providing a solid foundation for faith and action.
  5. Now is the time to spread the good news and influence people to receive Christ. He is coming soon.

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