Monday, June 24, 2024

Greetings & Our Brothers Col 4:7-18 --- Be Faithful

 The most important thing for believers is to be found faithful till the end when Christ comes.

Be reminded that it is God's grace and God's empowerment for us to be faithful till Christ comes.
Phil 1:6  (NLT): "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns."

Be in peace and joy.


  • 1. **Faithfulness and Maturity in Christ**
    • Strive to be faithful to Christ and mature in your faith, following the example of the brothers mentioned in the passage.
  • 2. **Intercessory Prayer**
    • Maintain a commitment to praying constantly for others, demonstrating care and support through prayer.
  • 3. **Teamwork, Especially in Outreach**
    • Recognize the importance of working together as a team, especially in the context of outreach and spreading the gospel.
  • 4. **Learning from Demas's Example**
    • Take heed from the story of Demas, who started faithfully but later fell away from the faith, using it as a cautionary tale to remain steadfast.
  • 5. **Sharing Knowledge and Experience in Christ**
    • Embrace Paul's example of sharing knowledge and experiences in Christ with others, demonstrating and teaching about the faith.
  • 6. **Diligence in Leadership**
    • As leaders, discharge your duties with excellence and commitment, serving faithfully in the roles entrusted to you.


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank you for the lessons from Colossians 4:7-18 that remind us of the importance of faithfulness, prayer, teamwork, and leadership in our Christian journey.

    • Grant us the grace to be faithful and mature in our walk with Christ, following the examples of steadfast believers. Help us to intercede constantly for others, bearing their burdens in prayer.

    • May we work together as a united team, especially in reaching out to share the gospel with others. Guard our hearts against the pitfalls of complacency or distraction, as seen in the cautionary tale of Demas.

    • Empower us to share boldly our knowledge and experience in Christ, just as Paul did, for the edification of the body of believers.

    • Lastly, strengthen us as leaders to fulfill our responsibilities with diligence and humility, serving others with excellence and love.

    • In Jesus' name we pray,
      • Amen.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sharing the Gospel Col 4:2-6 --- Be Loving & Tactful

We probably have been taught about how to share the gospel often enough.  We tend to focus on the message. We are taught to share our life before and after knowing Christ. We use our good experiences to cause others to receive Christ.  But the reality is not about us but about the others --- their needs and desires. We need to earn the right for us to speak. We can do that by first being loving and kind, and showing concern.  Once they see that we are for them, we gain their trust, and they will be willing to listen to us. With our listening ears, we can see what they need and desire and we can then show them how Christ can help them.  Be intentional no doubt about sharing the gospel, but be loving and kind to gain the listening ears and hearts.


  • 1 # Devotion to prayer:
    • Prayer includes thanks giving. Not just requesting
    • A blessed life will empower us to share the gospel
    • Prayer for Others - Intercessor Prayers
      • for opportunities to share the gospel and for clarity in communicating it.
  • 2 # Be intentional in sharing the Gospel
  • 3 # Be tacful in sharing:
    • act wisely in their interactions with non-believers, making the most of every opportunity.
  • 4 # Gracious speech: be kind, be encouraging & useful.
    • # Being kind and loving showing concerns will get people to share their hearts and needs and then we can give them the right answer


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank you for Your word and the wisdom it provides.
    • Help us to be devoted to prayer, always grateful for Your blessings.
    • Grant us opportunities to share Your love and give us clarity in doing so.
    • May our words be gracious and our actions wise, especially with those who don't know You.
    • Fill us with Your love, that we may show genuine concern for others,
    • And give us discernment to respond to their needs with Your truth.
    • Guide us to live intentionally, making the most of every opportunity You provide.
    • In Jesus' name, Amen.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Roles in Life Col 3:18-25 --- Wife-Husband; Parent-Child; Staff-Boss

We have many roles in life. How do we play them well? Let Paul tell us... 


  • # 1. We play many roles in life, let us do our roles well.
    • husband-wife
    • parent-child
    • boss-staff
    • illustrating
      • man-God
  • # 2. Marriage
    • - Wife: Supports her husband’s growth.
    • - Husband: Cares for and loves his wife.
  • # 3. Family
    • - Children: Obey their parents.
    • - Parents: Encourage their children and set a positive example.
  • # 4. Work
    • For Staff:
      • - Work well regardless of whether the boss is watching.
      • - Serve earthly bosses as if working for the Lord.
      • - Expect rewards from the Lord, understanding there is eternal judgment of rewards and punishments.
    • For Bosses:
      • - Treat staff fairly.
      • - Judge and reward or punish justly.
  • # 5. Reflection of the Man-God Relationship
    • - Man: Worships and enjoys God.
    • - God: Loves and enjoys man.


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for the guidance and wisdom found in Your Word. Help us to fulfill our roles in life with integrity, love, and respect. May wives support their husbands and husbands care for their wives. Guide children to obey their parents and parents to nurture their children with encouragement and a godly example.
    • In our work, let us serve diligently as if serving You, recognizing that our true reward comes from You. For those in positions of authority, grant them the wisdom to treat their staff justly and fairly.
    • Above all, remind us that our relationship with You is the foundation of all we do. May we worship and enjoy You, just as You love and enjoy us.
  • In Jesus' name, we pray.
    • Amen.

Live Out the New Self Col 3:10-17 ---- Love & Building Up One another

The best way to rid oneself of bad behavior is to focus on 'Christ in Us' and be busy knowing Christ, growing up in wisdom, and doing good deeds out of gratitude, leaving no time for sins. The specifics are given in the lessons learned below:


  • 1. Growing Up to Be Like Christ
    • - It Takes Time: Spiritual growth is a gradual process that requires patience.
    • - Gaining Knowledge of Christ: We need to learn more about Christ through study and reflection.
    • - Constant Renewal: We must continually reflect and review our lives to align with Christ’s image.
  • 2. One Key Attribute of Growth is Love
    • - Harmony with All: Achieving harmony with people of different races, educational backgrounds, social standings, and statuses (enslaved or free) reflects Christ’s love and unity.
  • 3. Exercise Love Through Various Virtues
    • - Tenderness: Show compassion and sensitivity.
    • - Kindliness: Act with kindness towards others.
    • - Humility: Maintain a humble attitude.
    • - Gentleness: Approach others with gentleness.
    • - Forbearance: Practice patience and tolerance.
    • - Forgiving: Forgive others as Christ forgave us.
  • 4. Focus on Christ
    • - Receiving Peace and Wisdom: Focus on Christ in our minds to receive His peace and wisdom. Avoid making decisions without inner peace.
  • 5. Teach and Encourage Others
    • - Help others grow in their faith by teaching and encouraging them.
  • 6. Community Worship and Sharing
    • - Engage in communal worship through psalms, hymns, and sacred songs. Sharing in worship strengthens the community.
  • 7. Do Everything with Gratitude and for Christ
    • - With gratitude, do everything in the name of Christ. This reflects the teaching in Matthew 5:16 to let our light shine before others so they may see our good deeds and glorify God.


  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for Your Word that guides us in our journey to become more like Christ. Help us to grow in knowledge and understanding, continually renewing ourselves in Your image. Teach us to embody love, showing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness to all those around us.

    • Fill our hearts with Your peace and wisdom, guiding our decisions and actions. May we teach and encourage one another, fostering a community that worships You in unity through psalms, hymns, and songs of the Spirit.

    • With grateful hearts, we commit to doing everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let our good works shine before others, so they may see and glorify You, our Father in heaven.

    • In Jesus’ name, we pray.
      • Amen.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Get Rid of the Old Self Col 3:5-9 --- The Sins of Immorality, evil desires...

Creating a list of negative behaviors and intentions isn't difficult. We often recognize these faults in others more readily than in ourselves. Therefore, it is essential to regularly examine our hearts and actions to ensure we stay on the right path. Consider the list shown below. 

Someone once noted that greed is particularly deceptive; people rarely recognize it in themselves. They might view it as a desire for improvement, a better job, a higher salary, or a more comfortable life. The pursuit of "more" is commonly seen as positive. However, we must be cautious, as Paul describes greed as idolatry.


  • #1 Get rid of Old-Self
    • 1 Immorality - Any form of sexual sin or unethical behavior.
    • 2 Uncleanness - Impurity in thought, word, or deed.
    • 3 Passions/Lusts - Inordinate or excessive desires, especially sexual desires.
    • 4 Evil Desires - Craving or longing for what is wrong or forbidden.
    • 5 Greed - An insatiable desire for more, particularly wealth, with wealth as idol.
    • 6 Anger - Strong feelings of displeasure or hostility.
    • 7 Rage - Intense and uncontrolled anger.
    • 8 Malice - Desire to harm others or see them suffer.
    • 9 Slander - Speaking falsely or maliciously about someone.
    • 10 Abuse/Filthy Language - Using coarse, obscene, or hurtful words.
    • 11 Lies - Deception or untruthfulness in speech or actions.
  • #2 Use it as a not-to-do checklist in reviewing our behavior
  • #3 Live out the New self (see next paragraph)


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for the guidance of Your Word. Help me to put to death the old self with its sinful ways and to rid myself of immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language, and lies. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I may live out the new self, clothed in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love. Grant me the wisdom to examine my behavior regularly and the strength to make the necessary changes. May my life reflect Your grace and bring glory to Your name. 

    • --- In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Seek Things Above: Col 3:1-4 ---- A Transformed New life

Most of us are concentrated on living a good and even exemplifying life on earth as a witness to Christ. It is good. But if we just focus on using our own energy and will to do them, we may find it tiring and will be exhausted. We will end in exhaustion, frustration, depression, and complaints.  How could we do them with joy? A new mindset focusing on our new identity, Christ-in-us empowerment, focus on things-above, and a future hope of glory with Christ. Here are the details:


  • #1 New Life & Identity in Christ
    • raised with Christ v1
      • implies Death to the Old Self
    • life is hidden with Christ v3
    • in God v3
    • Christ is our Life v4
      • Christ is not just a part of our lives; He is our life. Our identity, purpose, and existence are now centered in Him
  • #2 Hope of Glory
    • When Christ appears, we will appear with Him, in Glory
    • This implies there is a time when we will be taken up to with Him and come with Him
  • #3 Seek the Things of Heaven & Eternality - Not earthly and short-term
    • prioritizing spiritual growth.
    • focusing on what truly matters
      • Earthly things are temporary and fleeting, but heavenly things are eternal. Believers should focus on what has eternal value.
    • consciously focusing on God and His purposes, so be more aligned with His will.
  • The transformed life means in subsequent paragraphs as
    • Get rid of the bad v5-11
    • Live out the good v12-17
    • Exemplifying Behavior in Various Roles v18-25
  • A transformed life, one set on heavenly things and living out the reality of our new identity in Christ.


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank you for the gift of new life in Christ. Help me to set my mind on things above, focusing on what truly matters. Guide me to let go of my old ways and embrace the person you want me to be. May I live each day with the hope of your glorious return. Amen.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Let No One Disqualify You Col 2:16-23 ---- Legalism and Asceticism Intensify Desire

Many rules are intended to improve us but often backfire. Most religions teach rules, typically of the 'thou shall not' variety, which seem reasonable but can be ineffective. They lack the power to help us obey them consistently; we know we shouldn't do something, yet we do. In Christianity, the focus is on 'Christ in You'—the empowering presence that enables us to do what is right, not just avoid what is wrong. Ironically, being told not to do something often increases our desire to do it.


  • 1. Hold Firm to Christ's Teachings
    • - Believers should adhere to the teachings received from Christ and not be swayed by external judgments or criticisms.
  • 2. Freedom from Legalistic Practices
    • - Ignore teachings that impose restrictions on eating, drinking, and participation in celebrations, festivals, or specific forms of worship. These practices are not the essence of true spirituality.
  • 3. Discernment Against False Teachings
    • - Be wary of teachings that claim divine origin from 'angels' or other sources. Hold firmly to the teachings of Christ, recognizing Him as the Head of the Church.
  • 4. False Wisdom of Ascetic Practices
    • - Abstinence from various things, as promoted by false wisdom, lacks real value and can actually lead to fleshly indulgence rather than spiritual growth.
  • 5. Enjoying Freedom in Christ
    • - Focus on Christ and center your life around Him. Embrace the freedom we have in Christ to do what is right and Christ-like. This freedom allows us to live righteously without being consumed by the fear of sinning, thus not becoming fixated on sin.
  • By understanding and applying these lessons, believers can live in the freedom and fullness of life that Christ offers, free from the constraints of legalism and false teachings. This freedom empowers us to live a life that reflects Christ's love and righteousness, enjoying the liberty we have in Him.


  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for the freedom we have in Christ. Help us to hold firmly to His teachings and not be swayed by external judgments or false doctrines. Guide us to live in the liberty You've given us, free from legalistic practices and human traditions.

    • Grant us discernment to recognize and reject false teachings that detract from Your truth. Let us always focus on Christ as our head, finding true wisdom and growth in our relationship with Him.

    • Lord, help us to embrace the freedom we have in You, living righteously and joyfully without fear. May our lives reflect Your love and truth as we walk in the freedom of Your grace.

    • In Jesus' name, we pray.
      • Amen.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Warnings Against the Adoption of False Philosophies Col 2:8-15 ---- Christ Destroyed What was Against Us.

 A very important issue in any church is "Which teaching is the true doctrine? How can you tell?" Paul gave us the criteria to judge whether any teaching is true or false.  Unfortunately, he started with human traditions and the spirit of the world which may imply that all human traditions are wrong. But the real test is about Christ which he spent a long paragraph telling who and what Christ is and had accomplished. Any teaching that goes against that is false and wrong. See the lessons below for details.


  • #1 How to judge a false doctrine?
    • not by arguing about what is worldly or human traditions
    • but what they deny about who Christ is and what Christ had done for humans.
  • #2 Who is Christ?
    • Christ is God who came as a man to die for man's sins and was resurrected to give eternal life to man.
  • #3 What Christ has done?
    • 1 He filled us - Christ in Us
    • 2 He is the Supreme Authority - King of Kings
    • 3 He circumcised us spiritually, crucifying us with Him on the cross, removing our self-seeking flesh
    • 4 He baptized
      us --- crucified and raised us up with His resurrection
    • 5 He forgave all our sins.
    • 6 He destroyed all that was against us --- our debt of condemnation. He fully paid our debt
    • 7 Victory Over Spiritual Powers: He disarmed all other spiritual powers that are against us.


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for revealing Your truth through Your Word. Help us discern and reject false teachings that do not align with who Christ is and what He has done for us.
    • Lord Jesus, You are the Almighty God who came to save us from our sins. Fill us with Your presence and empower us to live in obedience to Your Word.
    • Thank You for forgiving our sins and canceling our debt of condemnation through Your sacrifice on the cross. Help us to walk in the freedom and victory You have secured for us.
    • May Your authority reign in our lives, and may we always find our strength and identity in You alone.
    • In Jesus' name, we pray.
      • Amen.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Paul’s Goal in Ministry Col 1:21-29 --- 'Christ in You' for Maturity

Many churches spread the gospel well - mass evangelism meetings and conferences, Alpha courses, Happiness Groups, etc.  However, they do not seem to do a good follow-up work of bringing them up to maturity in Christ.  Some young believers said they treated us very well when they were non-believers but after that, they were neglected.

On the other hand, many believers worry that they may lose their salvation.  There are leaders who use such threats to get their members to serve in their church. 

Paul presented the two problems well. 

Firstly, salvation is the first step to the end-goal of maturity in Christ. We are saved for good works --- to become what Christ has created and prepared us for.

Secondly, Paul emphasized that mystery revealed, "Christ in You, the Hope for Glory". God did not abandon us after saving us, He dwells in us to empower us, to accomplish the good works he created us for.

Hence, live confidently, with hope and joy, and give your best to serve and enjoy God through serving others.


  • #1 The Gospel Message:
    • Save Us
      • Christ’s death reconciles us to God, enabling us to be holy and blameless in His sight.
    • For Good Work
      •  'Christ in Us' enables us to grow into maturity in Christ.

    • Ephesians 2:8-10 we are saved through faith by grace for good works that God has prepared for us.
  • #2 The Goal of Christian Leader
    • To spread the gospel.
    • To serve others and nurture their growth into maturity in Christ.


  • Dear God,
    • We thank You for saving us and creating us for good works. We are grateful that through 'Christ in us,' You empower us to serve others and grow together into maturity in Christ. Your grace is Your empowerment, enabling us to become what You designed us to be. Glory and praise to You. Amen.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Supremacy of Christ Col 1:15-20 --- All in Him by Him & for Him

We become what we focus on. So the secret to living a victorious and joyful life is to know and focus on the supremacy of Christ, our Head of which the body we are members of.  We are created by Him, for Him, and united and empowered for Him. Focus on our identity and destination in Christ will keep us living well. If we just try not to sin, we will be trapped in sin. So, change our focus. Focus on our relationship with the glorious Christ.


  • #1 How can man relate to an unlimited glorious God?
    • Through Jesus Christ, born as man, taking on the limitation of man, that man may be able to relate to Him Christ's incarnation bridges the gap between the infinite God and finite humanity. He is both supremely glorious and intimately near, dwelling within us and allowing us to dwell in Him.
  • #2 Christ is the origin, source, creator, fullness of God, highest authority, and the unifier of all things through His sacrifice and resurrection. He holds all creation together, sustaining and maintaining it.
  • #3 Everything is created by Him, for Him, and united through Him, despite human failure. Christ is the head of all creation, guiding and directing it towards its intended purpose.
  • #4 Living as Members of Christ's Body: Believers are part of Christ's Body, the Church, with Him as the Head. This knowledge calls us to live with gratefulness, hope, joy, and victory. Awareness of our identity in Christ helps us avoid falling back into sinful behavior. By focusing on Christ's glory and our righteousness in Him, we are kept on the right path, naturally avoiding sin.


  • We praise You, Christ, for Your boundless love and greatness. You created us, for Yourself, and redeemed us through Your sacrifice. As parts of Your glorious Body, with You as our Head, we commit to listening and obeying You, empowered by Your grace and love. May we live lives worthy of Your calling, pleasing to You in all we do. Amen.

Paul’s Prayer for the Growth of the Church Col 1:9-14 --- Live to Glorify God

How should a believer live out his life? Understand God's will for us.

What is the purpose of man? It is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

How do we live out the life that God wants us? God has played His parts in redeeming us, freeing us from the prison of darkness, bringing us into His kingdom, and empowering us with His might.

We just need to know Him, be grateful, and rely on His grace.


  • #1 Man's purpose is to glorify God and enjoy His presence - Live worthily of the Lord & Please Him
  • #2 Know God's part for Us
    • Jesus' redemption & forgiveness of our sins
      • transferred us
        • from the power of darkness
          • into the Kingdom of Jesus
        • to share righteousness and inheritance
      • empower us with His might
  • #3 Our Part
    • Know God's Will
    • Has & Grow in His wisdom & understanding
    • Bearing fruit of good work
    • Patience & Steadfastness
    • Grateful, Joyful and Giving Thanks to God
  • #4 Praying constantly for fellow believers for their spiritual growth


  • May we be living a life that glorifies God, understanding His redemptive work in our lives, growing in the knowledge of God and His will, bearing good work, be patient and steadfast in our faith, living with gratefulness and joy, and praying for the spiritual well-being of others.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Paul’s Thanksgiving and Prayer for the Church Cor 1:3-8 --- Gratitude, Hope, and the Power of the Gospel

 The secrets of building a church community with power and influence are given in this passage.  They are "Gratitude, Hope, and the Power of the Gospel". The gospel gives us gratitude, and hope, and hope empowers us for the good works of faith and love which cause growth in fruits and influence.


  • #1 The Trinity God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If God is just one, the He could not know Love.
    • We see the Father being thanked, Jesus as the source of faith and love, and the Holy Spirit working in believers.
  • #2 Praying for Fellow Believers
    • Know their good work --- faith and love
    • Give thanks to God for their good work that they may continue.
    • Know their needs to intercede for them
    • The growth of the gospel.
  • #3 Know your Hope - The Assured Vision of the Future
    • We are destined for eternity with God.
    • It is the hope that drives our work of faith and love.
  • #4 Know the Gospel
    • The salvation of men by faith in Christ Jesus
      • The crucifixion to redeem men's sin
      • The resurrection to give eternal life to men
      • To reconcile men to God.
    • It is the truth.
    • It is the hope too of glory laid up in heaven for men.
    • The giving of Grace to empower the believers to live out the Christ within as witness for the gospel
  • #5 Learn from Epaphras
    • faithful minister
      • evangelizing
      • fellowship and co-working with others like Paul and Timothy


Heavenly Father,
  • May we live with gratitude, recognizing Jesus Christ as the source of our faith and love.
  • Help us to always remember the hope we have in Christ and the power of the Gospel message.
  • Guide and empower us with Your Holy Spirit as we grow spiritually and live out our faith.
  • We pray for our fellow believers, thanking You for their faith and love, and interceding for their needs.
  • May we be inspired by faithful ministers like Epaphras, and actively participate in the spread of the Gospel.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Salutation Col 1:1-2 --- Our Identity In Christ

What is our identity in Christ? Do we know our calling? We are sent by God to accomplish His purpose on earth. What should be our response? We are to be faithful. Do we know we are saints - freed from sins and have the righteousness of Christ?  Do we also know we are empowered to live out our calling? God has given us grace and peace. We are all well equipped and are sufficient in Christ.


  • #1 Know our calling from God
    • like Paul who knew he was commissioned by God

    • How can we know?
      • by prayer and by matching of
        • 3 Steps
          • Affinity
            • (What human needs do I “vibrate” to?
            • What interests me?
            • What are my passions?);
          • Ability
            • (What am I good at?
            • What do people say I am effective in?)
          • Opportunity
            • (What doors for service are open?
            • What needs to be done?).

  • #2 Training of our Successor
    • Paul took his successor Timothy along in his ministry so that Timothy could learn firsthand.
  • #3 An Attitude of "Saints"
    • Believers should be constantly aware that they are saints in Christ. They have the righteousness of Christ and no longer a sinner. Confessing oneself to be a sinner is forgetting the work of Christ for him.
  • #4 The Attributes of a Believer are faithfulness & loving others(v5)
  • #5 The empowerment by God is grace & peace
    • Grace is The unmerited favor and empowerment from God that enables believers to live a righteous and victorious life. We must ask for it, unlike mercy which is forgiveness and kindness given to all whether we ask for it or not.
    • Peace is the inner tranquility and well-being that comes from God, enabling believers to maintain faith in difficult times.


  • May all believers deepen their understanding of their calling, invest in mentoring future leaders, embrace their identity in Christ, exhibit faithfulness and love, and rely on God’s grace and peace for empowerment. May we all live a fruitful and impactful Christian life.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Ascension Luke 24:50-53 --- He has ascended & will be back

There are many sermons that teach us about how to prepare for the Lord's return. The essentials are actually captured in this last paragraph of the Gospel of Luke. Let us understand and follow them, and with confident expectation to welcome His return.


  • 1 The Ascension of Jesus was witnessed by many people
  • 2 Jesus will come back from heaven to meet us again.
  • 3 In the meantime
    • 3.1 receive Jesus' blessings offers through His teachings, presence, and the Holy Spirit. This involves being open to His guidance and grace in everyday life.
    • 3.2 rejoice in His resurrection and 2nd coming - This joy should permeate your life and actions.
    • 3.3 worship Him
      • Worship can be expressed through prayer, singing, reading Scripture, and living a life that honors God.
    • 3.4 fellowship and encouragement with one another regularly and build each other up in faith.
    • 3.5 share the good news of Jesus' love, sacrifice, and promise of eternal life with others.
  • These lessons and practices help you live a life that is rooted in faith, hope, and love, aligning with the teachings and example of Jesus. They guide you in maintaining a strong, active faith while looking forward to His return.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jesus Appears to His Disciples Luk 24:36-49 --- Appearance & Comission

What is the most exciting thing to look forward to? 

Spiritually, it is peace. Reconciled relationship with God and harmony with one another. Free of fear and anxiety. Just rest and be secured in His kingdom.

Then there is the new body. Our new resurrected body as is shown by Jesus' resurrection. We will no longer be limited by time and space. We can go where we want to be in an instant. We can live forever. Yet, we can enjoy all the good foods. What else do you want?

1 Corinthians 2:9: "However, as it is written: 'What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived'—the things God has prepared for those who love him."

It comes through repentance and acceptance of forgiveness by Jesus.

It is the good news that we must share. 


  • 1. The Nature of Jesus' Resurrection
    • - Physical and Complete Resurrection: Jesus' resurrection involved His spirit, soul, and a new body. This body was not limited by time or space but was tangible, as He showed by eating and allowing His disciples to touch Him.
  • 2. Peace as a Vital Emotion
    • - Emotional Stability: Jesus' greeting of peace emphasizes the importance of living without fear, depression, or excessive desire, embodying calmness, restfulness, and security.
  • 3. Open-Minded Scriptural Study
    • - Enlightenment by the Holy Spirit: Reading the Bible with an open mind allows for the Holy Spirit to provide understanding and insight.
  • 4. Purpose of Jesus’ Mission
    • - Redemptive Mission: Jesus came to earth to atone for humanity’s sins through His crucifixion and to conquer death through His resurrection, enabling spiritual rebirth and adoption as God’s children.
  • 5. Salvation through Repentance and Forgiveness
    • - Path to Salvation: Salvation is attainable through repentance and accepting the forgiveness offered by Christ.
    • Embrace repentance and Christ’s forgiveness as the means to salvation and spiritual renewal.
  • 6. Evangelistic Mission
    • - Global Proclamation: Believers are commissioned to preach the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus worldwide.
  • 7. Dependence on God’s Guidance
    • - Waiting on the Holy Spirit: Before taking action, believers are to seek and wait for God’s guidance, as the disciples waited for the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.
    • Prioritize seeking God’s direction and empowerment before undertaking tasks in His service.
  • Summary
    • These lessons from Luke 24:36-49 emphasize the tangible reality of the resurrection, the importance of inner peace, the necessity of open-minded biblical study, the core purpose of Jesus' mission, the means of salvation, the call to evangelize, and the need for divine guidance. Together, they form a comprehensive understanding of the Christian faith and its practical outworking in the life of a believer.
Gospel of Luke Table of Content

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

On the Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35 ---- Encounter with Resurrected Jesus

It will be great when we have our first-hand meeting with our resurrected Saviour Jesus. It will be a very special experience. Now we can have, a spiritual meeting with Jesus anytime and anywhere.  Let not the easiness make it less valuable.  May we learn and treasure our daily meeting with Him through the Holy Spirit. 

Here are some lessons we can learn from others who had that first-hand experience.


  • 1. First-Hand Witnesses of the Resurrection:
    • - We have credible testimonies of the resurrected Jesus from both the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and the eleven apostles in Jerusalem.
  • 2. Nature of the Resurrected Body:
    • - The resurrected body of Jesus functions as before and more. It demonstrates abilities beyond normal human limitations, such as instantaneous travel and passing through walls.
  • 3. Scriptural Enlightenment:
    • - Just as Jesus explained the Scriptures to the two disciples, we now have the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, helping us to understand and apply the Bible.
  • 4. Approach to Bible Study:
    • - We should study the Bible with a heart of trust and belief. Truth is not afraid of being challenged, it is afraid of lack of interests. Critical thinking and faith can go hand-in-hand; questioning the Scriptures can lead to deeper understanding and stronger faith. Once doubts are addressed, we must believe and act on the truth.
  • 5. Value of Good Fellowship:
    • - Good fellowship makes us want to extend our time together, as seen when the disciples urged Jesus to stay with them. If we feel the time is too long, the fellowship might not be meeting our spiritual needs. Good fellowship warms our hearts and strengthens our faith.
  • 6. Significance of Holy Communion:
    • - The Holy Communion is a significant and powerful practice for Christians, symbolizing deep spiritual truths and the presence of Jesus among us.
  • 7. Humility and Accomplishment:
    • - When our mission is accomplished, we should leave humbly without seeking credit or rewards, reflecting the wisdom of Lao Zi: "功成身退" (accomplish the task and then withdraw). Don't overstay your welcome.
  • 8. Urgency in Sharing Good News:
    • - We should act quickly to share good news and spread joy. Just as the disciples hurried back to Jerusalem to share their encounter with Jesus, we too should not delay in spreading the joy of the gospel.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The New Bible Study Method with Visual Mindmapping & Generative AI Illustrated with Luke 24:1-12 The Empty Tomb

With the availability of Generative AIs like ChatGPT, Germini, and many others, we should change our traditional Bible Study to make use of them for a more productive and fruitful study.

Firstly, we need a notepad to record our study. 

I highly recommend the mind mapping software Freeplane. It is visual and has many features that help us arrange, analyze, and organize our notes.

You search the internet for the Bible version that you like, choose the passage you want to study and copy and paste it into the Freeplane mind map. Or you could just fire out the AI software  ChatGPT, and enter the passage and version you want in the prompt e.g. "Luke 24:1-12 NASB"

With the Freeplane, you can divide the sentences into sub-parts to highlight the key concepts. It makes the key points stand out. You can add in your comments, the interpretation of the facts, as you go along.  You can group a paragraph of text and give them a title. You can highlight the text and the background to give a better visual understanding.

You can then collect the comments you have made into lessons you have learned and apply them. The old method of facts, interpretation of facts, and applications are still applicable and be followed.

Here is the first cut...

We could have started by asking ChatGPT to give us the lessons from the passage. But I prefer to start with our own study first before getting ChatGPT to help.

Now we use ChatGPT to see what else we can learn. 

We put the following into the prompt of ChatGPT "Lessons from Luke 24:1-12".

Here is the ChatGPT response:

Luke 24:1-12, which narrates the discovery of Jesus' resurrection by the women who visited the tomb, offers several profound lessons for believers. Here are some key lessons:

1. **The Reality of the Resurrection**:

   - The empty tomb and the angelic proclamation that Jesus has risen affirm the foundational Christian belief in the resurrection. This event validates Jesus' identity as the Son of God and confirms His victory over death and sin.

2. **Faithfulness in Adversity**:

   - The women who went to the tomb early in the morning demonstrated their devotion to Jesus despite the fear and sorrow following His crucifixion. Their commitment exemplifies faithfulness in difficult times.

3. **God's Faithfulness to His Promises**:

   - The angels remind the women of Jesus' own prophecy about His death and resurrection. This highlights that God's promises are reliable and will be fulfilled, even if they seem impossible.

4. **Witness and Testimony**:

   - The women, after encountering the empty tomb and hearing the angels, go back to tell the apostles. This underscores the importance of sharing the good news and bearing witness to God's work in our lives.

5. **Skepticism and Belief**:

   - The apostles initially dismiss the women's report as nonsense. This illustrates that even close followers of Jesus can struggle with doubt and skepticism. It challenges believers to trust in God's word and the testimonies of others.

6. **Seeking and Discovery**:

   - Peter's response—running to the tomb and investigating for himself—demonstrates the value of seeking the truth actively. His wonder at the empty tomb suggests an openness to divine revelation and the beginning of understanding.

7. **Role of Women in God's Plan**:

   - The passage highlights the significant role women played in Jesus' ministry and as the first witnesses to the resurrection. This emphasizes the value and importance of women in the faith community and in spreading the gospel.

8. **Transformation through Encounter**:

   - The encounter with the empty tomb and the message of the angels transforms the women from mourners to messengers of joy. This indicates that an encounter with the risen Christ brings transformation and a new purpose.

9. **Hope and Renewal**:

   - The resurrection represents hope and new beginnings. It reassures believers that death is not the end, and there is always hope for renewal and eternal life through Jesus.

By reflecting on these lessons, believers can deepen their understanding of the resurrection's significance and its implications for their faith and daily lives.

We can see ChatGPT has outdone us. Giving us more pointers for us to learn. We can include them in our lessons learned to make them our own.

During our study, if we come across any puzzling verse, we could just ask ChatGPT. e.g.

"Who are the two men in dazzling apparel?"

Here is ChatGPT's response:

The "two men in dazzling apparel" mentioned in Luke 24:1-12 are generally understood to be angels. Here are some key points that support this interpretation:

1. **Description of the Men**:

   - The description of their clothes as "dazzling" or "gleaming like lightning" is commonly associated with angelic beings in biblical literature. Angels are often depicted with a radiant appearance that reflects their heavenly origin.

2. **Role in the Narrative**:

   - The role of these men is to deliver a divine message. They inform the women that Jesus has risen, reminding them of Jesus' own words predicting His death and resurrection. This role as messengers is typical of angels throughout the Bible.

3. **Parallel Accounts**:

   - In other Gospel accounts of the resurrection, similar figures appear. For example, Matthew 28:2-7 describes an angel who rolls back the stone and speaks to the women. Mark 16:5 mentions a young man in a white robe, and John 20:12 describes two angels in white sitting where Jesus' body had been.

4. **Reaction of the Women**:

   - The women's reaction of fear and bowing down suggests they recognized these figures as heavenly beings. This response is consistent with other biblical encounters with angels.

Taken together, these points strongly indicate that the "two men in dazzling apparel" are indeed angels, sent to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus to the women at the tomb.

We can feed our lessons learned to ChatGPT and learn even more...

(In Freeplane mind map, just copy Lessons, and paste it into ChatGPT prompt "My learned <ctl><v>")

This is ChatGPT's response:

Your learned lessons from Luke 24:1-12 are insightful and capture the key elements of the passage. Here’s a slightly refined version that retains your points while adding a bit more detail:

### Lessons from Luke 24:1-12

1. **Eagerness and Faithfulness of the Women Who Served Jesus**:

    - **Early Morning Dedication**: The women demonstrated their commitment by going to the tomb early in the morning, showing their devotion and willingness to serve Jesus even after His death.

2. **Signs of Jesus' Resurrection**:

    - **The Heavy Tomb Stone Rolled Away**: The removal of the stone, likely by angels, provided physical evidence that something extraordinary had happened, allowing access to the tomb.

    - **The Empty Tomb**: The absence of Jesus’ body served as circumstantial evidence of His resurrection.

    - **Angelic Confirmation**: The angels’ appearance and message encouraged and confirmed to the women that Jesus had indeed risen, as He had promised.

3. **Skepticism Toward the Story Told**:

    - **Disciples' Doubt**: The initial disbelief of the disciples highlights a natural skepticism and the difficulty of accepting the miraculous without concrete evidence.

4. **Need to Validate the Story Told by Others**:

    - **Peter's Verification**: Peter’s decision to run to the tomb to see for himself underscores the importance of personally verifying extraordinary claims.

5. **Evidence-Based Faith**:

    - **Fulfillment of Prophecy**: The fulfillment of Jesus' own prophecies about His death and resurrection strengthens faith based on evidence and divine promise.

These points reflect the significant themes of faith, evidence, and the transformative impact of the resurrection story. They also emphasize the human elements of devotion, skepticism, and the need for personal validation in the journey of faith.

 Now, we could replace our lessons with the ChatGPT version or we could just improve ours.

Here is my final version:


  • 1 The eagerness and faithfulness of the Women who served Jesus
    • Early morning they went.
  • 2 The signs of Jesus resurrections
    • The heavy tombstone was rolled away for access.--- by the angles?
    • The absence of Jesus’ body served as circumstantial evidence of His resurrection.
    • The angles encouraged and confirmation of Jesus' resurrection using what Jesus had foretold them.
  • 3 Be suspicious of the story told
    • The disciples did not believe the woman's stories of empty tomb, angles, and their story. It is good to do so. It is difficult to accept the miraculous without concrete evidence.
  • 4 Need to validate the story told by others
    • Peter went to the tomb to see for himself underscoring the importance of personally verifying extraordinary claims.
  • 5 Evidence-based faith
    • The fulfillment of Jesus' own prophecies about His death and resurrection strengthens faith based on evidence and divine promise.
    • Doubts are good. When they are resolved our belief could then be stronger.
  • These points reflect the significant themes of faith, evidence, and the transformative impact of the resurrection story. They also emphasize the human elements of devotion, skepticism, and the need for personal validation in the journey of faith.
For a complete study of Luke see the Gospel of Luke