Friday, June 21, 2024

Roles in Life Col 3:18-25 --- Wife-Husband; Parent-Child; Staff-Boss

We have many roles in life. How do we play them well? Let Paul tell us... 


  • # 1. We play many roles in life, let us do our roles well.
    • husband-wife
    • parent-child
    • boss-staff
    • illustrating
      • man-God
  • # 2. Marriage
    • - Wife: Supports her husband’s growth.
    • - Husband: Cares for and loves his wife.
  • # 3. Family
    • - Children: Obey their parents.
    • - Parents: Encourage their children and set a positive example.
  • # 4. Work
    • For Staff:
      • - Work well regardless of whether the boss is watching.
      • - Serve earthly bosses as if working for the Lord.
      • - Expect rewards from the Lord, understanding there is eternal judgment of rewards and punishments.
    • For Bosses:
      • - Treat staff fairly.
      • - Judge and reward or punish justly.
  • # 5. Reflection of the Man-God Relationship
    • - Man: Worships and enjoys God.
    • - God: Loves and enjoys man.


  • Heavenly Father,
    • Thank You for the guidance and wisdom found in Your Word. Help us to fulfill our roles in life with integrity, love, and respect. May wives support their husbands and husbands care for their wives. Guide children to obey their parents and parents to nurture their children with encouragement and a godly example.
    • In our work, let us serve diligently as if serving You, recognizing that our true reward comes from You. For those in positions of authority, grant them the wisdom to treat their staff justly and fairly.
    • Above all, remind us that our relationship with You is the foundation of all we do. May we worship and enjoy You, just as You love and enjoy us.
  • In Jesus' name, we pray.
    • Amen.

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