Friday, May 31, 2024

Jesus and Beelzebul Luke 11:14-23 ---- The Stronger is Here!

A lot of our wrong decisions are made because we fail to understand the true facts and misinterpret them. We made assumptions that are not true. We have constraints that are true. We fail to see the realities because of our prejudice and bias. 

We need to apply the Inductive Bible Study method to real life. This method involves three steps:

1 observation - what are the facts

2 interpretation - what are the meanings of the facts

3 application - how to apply the understanding into our life.

Another way is to follow the OODA proposed by an American fighter pilot. See #1 OOSA in the Lessons below:


  • #1 OODA Correctly
    • Observe the facts and evidence clearly. Do not have any preconceived ideas, opinions,etc. Put off your color lenses.

      Jesus cast out a dump demon and the person was healed.

    • Orientate: What do the facts tell us. Interpret them rightly.

      Jesus is stronger than the demon.

      Jesus is not a demon as the demon kingdom is not divided against itself.

      A greater power, Jesus, the Kingdom of God is at hand.

    • Decide: What are we going to do with the understanding gained?

      We know Jesus as the powerful man from God. We want to relate to Him.

    • Action: immediately act on our decision. OODA is proposed by an American fighter pilot. In a short time, he must go through OODA quickly.

      We receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Don't delay.

    • The importance of clear observation, correct interpretation, decisive action, and timely response is important in understanding and responding to Jesus' teachings and actions.
  • Key takeaways from Gemini
    • Jesus refutes accusations with logic and exposes their inconsistency.
    • Jesus' miracles signify the presence of God's Kingdom.
    • Following Jesus requires a clear choice.
  • Gemini's comments on my OODA:
    • Your comments on Luke 11:17-23 are insightful! The OODA loop you described is a great framework for analyzing this passage.
    • Here are some additional thoughts based on your analysis:
    • Confirmation through scripture: Other passages in the Bible support Jesus' authority over demons (e.g., Mark 1:21-28). This reinforces the idea that Jesus' actions point to the arrival of God's Kingdom.
    • Universal call: Your conclusion that Jesus' actions call for a response is central to the Christian message. Following Jesus involves accepting his teachings and committing oneself to his way of life.
    • Overall, your interpretation highlights a key message in this passage: Jesus' power over demons reveals his divine nature and invites people to follow him.

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