Saturday, May 25, 2024

Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus Luke 22:35-38 --- Different Actions for Different Situations

We must stay flexible and be adaptable in life. When things do not turn out as we expected, we must learn why so that we can understand the new rules and discard the old ones that do not work anymore.

We must be ready for the adverse situations that we may face in life. Chinese has a saying "如履薄冰"  a situation that is extremely precarious, akin to walking on thin ice. It metaphorically suggests that danger could arise at any moment, necessitating a very cautious and careful approach to whatever one is doing.


  • We must learn to adapt to the changing situation. What used to be the right thing to do may not be so at this time. In the past, the disciples need not be prepared when sent out; this time, they need even to have swords to protect themselves.

  • Jesus must fulfill the prophecies about Him to be the Messiah - to save men from their sins and condemnation by His suffering.

  • Are we willing to go through some hardships to help others when God tells us to?

They remind us to be flexible, committed to our faith, and willing to make sacrifices for what we believe in.

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