Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Parable of the Ten Minas Luke 19:11-27 --- Be Faithful in the Meantime.



  1. Jesus has returned to heaven to receive His kingdom and will come again to establish His kingdom on earth.
  2. In the meantime, we are to engage in business, making the best use of our given talents and time, until he comes.
  3. The criteria is faithfulness - how will make use of whatever little we have, and do our best.
    Focus on faithfulness, not comparison: The focus should be on using our gifts faithfully, regardless of how big or small they seem. Comparing ourselves to others is not helpful.
  4. We should not complain that we are given so little, we are not so smart, we are so poor, etc, and just do nothing to waste our lives.
  5. As we invest more, we shall receive even more. Faithful in the little will be entrusted with much.
    Investment can take many forms: Investing our talents can involve acts of service, sharing our knowledge, or simply being kind to others. The key is to use what we have been given to make a positive impact.
  6. Now is the time of salvation, please come to know Jesus and Savior and Lord and be given eternal life. This is the way to prepare for His 2nd coming.
  7. If you have known Jesus as Savior and Lord, then share the good news with others, with the opportunities you are given. You don't have to be a pastor to share your experience with Jesus with others.

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