Friday, May 10, 2024

Whose Son Is the Christ? Luke 20:41-44 --- Key Truth in The Puzzle

What is a radical innovation? It is something new that breaks the laws of compromising, and the limitations imposed on us.  Consider the limitation of time and space. In the past, we had to go to the stores to buy things, but now with e-commerce, things are delivered to our doorstep.  With Uber or Grab, you don't need to own a fleet of taxis to provide transport services. 

Great truth and possibility are hidden in contradictions and dilemmas. Think differently and you will discover the great truth. Jesus used this contradiction of David calling his son Lord to challenge the religious leaders and reveal the hidden truth that He was the Messiah.


  • A great truth is hidden in seeming contraction as in this case of Jesus' question.
  • To solve a contradiction, you need to look from a different dimension.
    • We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. --- Albert Einstein
  • Humanly speaking, we don't call our descendants Lord. It is more appropriate the other way around.
  • This contraction revealed the dual nature of Christ. Christ is God incarnated as David's descendant.
    • This highlights the limitations of human logic in grasping divine concepts.
  • A simple example would be, “How can a tortoise be longer than a snake?"
    • Not by length but by time - who lives longer?
  • Similarly, Jesus' question forces us to look beyond earthly lineage and recognize his divine status.
  • What contradiction or dilemma is you facing? Can you change your perspective to look at it? Can you think from a different dimension? Question or challenge your assumptions and beliefs.

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